Amusing Peculiarities

Amusing Peculiarities

Her little quirks and what she herself says about them.

Everyone has their own peculiarities. Ani Corné is no exception. Sometimes, however, her little quirks are most frustrating to herself; they usually appear whenever she is brooding over a new manuscript.

Twirling Her Hair
"Sometimes I subconsciously twist a strand of hair so long that it ends up looking like a weird stick that seems to be growing  out of my head. Often, I only notice it when I happen to walk past a mirror."

Biting Her Lips
"I hate it when I find that I've bitten my lip... for the umpteenth time... that usually happens when I am developing a particularly unsavoury book character. Maybe because  I'm so upset about how disgusting she/he is."

Driving a car
"I have had my driver's license since I was 16 (I got it in the US at the time), but I hate driving; I consider myself the worst driver you can possibly imagine. I also have never owned a car."

Leg Bobbing
"This drove my parents, relatives and most of my friends nuts! In my younger years, whenever I got emotional or nervous, I started bobbing with one of my legs (usually the right one), slowly at first, then faster and faster. I was seldom aware of this until someone pointed it out to me. Thankfully, the leg bobbing has gotten better;  it rarely happens nowadays, but it does  - and then it's quite embarrassing to me, especially because of my age now."

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Friendship is love without its wings.
Lord George Gordon Byron

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