Her little quirks and what she herself says about them.
Twirling Her Hair
"Sometimes I subconsciously twist a strand of hair so long that it ends up looking like a weird stick that seems to be growing out of my head. Often, I only notice it when I happen to walk past a mirror."
Biting Her Lips
"I hate it when I find that I've bitten my lip... for the umpteenth time... that usually happens when I am developing a particularly unsavoury book character. Maybe because I'm so upset about how disgusting she/he is."
Driving a car
"I have had my driver's license since I was 16 (I got it in the US at the time), but I hate driving; I consider myself the worst driver you can possibly imagine. I also have never owned a car."
Leg Bobbing
"This drove my parents, relatives and most of my friends nuts! In my younger years, whenever I got emotional or nervous, I started bobbing with one of my legs (usually the right one), slowly at first, then faster and faster. I was seldom aware of this until someone pointed it out to me. Thankfully, the leg bobbing has gotten better; it rarely happens nowadays, but it does - and then it's quite embarrassing to me, especially because of my age now."
NextFriendship is love without its wings.
Lord George Gordon Byron