War, Climate And Displacement As The Common Denominator Of Hunger

Children are the group impacted by hunger the most
Children are the group impacted by hunger the most

Nobody would have to go hungry...

There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone, yet 815 million people go hungry.

Estimates for 2016 indicated that 815 million people in the world – or just over one in nine – are undernourished. The majority of these (489 million) live in countries struggling with conflict, violence and fragility.

Where undernourishment prevails, the number is higher than in countries not affected by conflict.

Conflict and violence have further led to the displacement of millions, causing and protracting food insecurity in host communities accommodating ever growing numbers of refugees. For example, the civil war in the Syrian Arab Republic alone has caused more than 6 million people to flee their homes to other locations within the country and another 5 million to neighbouring countries.

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