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Cover Gallery


These are the covers of my book titles currently available as e-books in all the usual online book stores (apart from Amazon)

Except for the poetry collection in German, "Es sind die stillen Stunden" (translated = It's the Quiet Hours) which was published February 2017, all others are currently listed only as pre-order, as their release dates are coming up. You can go to the top navigation menue and click on current projects and will find a progress overview for my books and their respective publishing date.

My e-books are mainly available in  .epub  and as downloadable PDF (Apple and many others prefer this format). Amazon uses its own format .mobi working on the Kindle reader.

I no longer offer it with my e-books, because Amazon exerts excessive pressure on independent authors to give them exclusivity. Although my US distributor is also able to list me on Amazon,  I prefer to go on writing in epub format. With that format I am listed alone in all of Apple's iBook stores in 55 countries worldwide and many other ones such as B&N and Nook.

I will eventually offer a page for registered users where they can either download free reading samples of my e-books or download them in PDF-format. If anyone should want to buy an e-book directly from my site, I will have a small online shop with PayPal payment available on my site shortly.
Registered users who buy directly from me,  naturally receive discount wink

The e-book covers you see displayed here, have all been designed and graphically produced by me. I enjoy this creative work very much, but it also has the advantage of getting exactly the cover I know would fit the story I wrote. After all, who knows the contents of a book better than the author, right?

By clicking on an image it opens magnified and a slideshow starts automatically. You can also manually control the viewing by clicking on an image (forward).



Calories are those mean little creatures that sneak in during the night and sew your clothes tighter, so you won't fit into them the next morning!

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